Scoop Dolly Shows Off!

Yesterday, we visited Atlanta Specialty Millwork to show them our Scoop Dolly in action. The demonstration went great!

Because there was no dock transition plate, they needed two loaders to hand-carry a door unit into the truck. When the scoop dolly with the dock transition wheels rolled over the gap and into the truck, these guys were sold!

Their current dolly also needed two guys for unloading – to keep the door or window unit from slamming into the wall and breaking.

Not anymore! With our Scoop Dolly, the user can stand on the dolly when unloading. This means that the unit can be let down slowly without slamming into the wall.

Thanks for letting us visit, ASM! We’re happy our Scoop Dolly can make your loaders’ work lives easier, faster, and more productive!

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