Scoop Dolly At Home Depot

Home Depot loves the Scoop Dolly for their Window & Door departments.  They’ve learned that it keeps their employees safer when moving these large and heavy products, while at the same making it possible for one employee to do the work, rather than two or more. And that helps productivity.  Another plus:  the employees really like it, too!  Scoop Dolly is win/win for employers and employees.

In order to provide the in-store training that their employees will need, Mike (owner) and Christopher (GM) went to a nearby Home Depot yesterday to create a training video, featuring two Home Depot employees.

Setting up to video at Home Depot
Setting up to video the tutorial
Setting up the video camera
Setting up the video camera
Mike explaining how to use the Scoop Dolly
Mike explaining how to use the Scoop Dolly
Mike at Home Depot explaining the Scoop Dolly
Mike explaining the Scoop Dolly use
Mike explaining the directional wheel accessory
Mike explaining the directional wheel accessory

Here’s a different Scoop Dolly video if you want to learn more.  If you’ve got windows and doors to move and load, the Scoop Dolly will make your life much easier!