Saw Trax Loves Our Veterans
Saw Trax Is Recognized as a Highly-Rated, Veteran-Led Business by Google!
Our Saw Trax founder, Michael Della Polla, has been recognized by Google for owning a “Highly-Rated, Veteran-Led Business”! Here he is with the medallion he received, and dog Maximus.
Saw Trax Founder Michael Della Polla with the Medallion Received by Google for Veterans Day
Saw Trax Founder Shares Powerful Poem
We also are proud to share the following poem. Our founder, Michael Della Polla wrote the poem while he was a Naval Aviator deployed to the Indian Ocean between 1985-1986 (shown as published in Wings of Gold Magazine).
We honor Michael for his service, and join you in honoring veterans everywhere this holiday weekend.