Back in Las Vegas for ISA2019!
Our team: Christopher Main, Robert Brescher, and Mary Spears, did a great job setting up our booth.
We had a nice visit from Exhibit City News. Thanks for the great photo and tweet. We’re think they’re a pretty cool bunch, too!
While there was some really cool hi-tech digital products there, we brought our tried-and-true Sign Maker panel saw, made specifically with sign makers in mind. Complete workhorses for sign shops, we made one machine for all of their cutting needs. No longer need to buy a panel saw AND a mat-cutter. It is equipped with specialty accessories for cutting all of the substrates used in the sign industry, in both directions, vertically and horizontally. This “all-cutting” substrate cutter is ideal for making precision cuts in sheet goods that are up to 1¾ inches thick.
The high tech world IoT was everywhere at ISA 2019 … but a Saw Trax panel saw is a timeless classic!