When Inspiration Strikes

When Inspiration Strikes!

It happened when demonstrating the Panel Express during the 2012 IWF Show.  The Panel Express is an all-terrain, self-adjusting sheet carrier designed for carrying sheet goods in a crowded shop; over air hoses, extension cords, debris, and other obstacles.  A visitor to our booth liked the product, but he had other needs.

“I want it to carry my sheet goods, but I also want it to carry my finished cabinets.”

the Saw Trax panel express
The Panel Express

Clearly, the Panel Express wasn’t going to be the answer this gentleman needed!  But those words did inspire the birth of the Dolly Max all-terrain utility dolly.  

Dolly Max_001
Dolly Max

The development started with a flat top version of the Panel Express.  It then morphed into a box type structure that enclosed the large tires used on the Panel Express and still used the 5” locking casters of the Panel Express.   To make the box carry sheet goods, vertical posts were used in different post positions on top and horizontally in different post positions on the sides. E-track openings were added to all sides to allow straps, including E Track straps, for use on the dolly. 

By putting the posts through the sides, the carrying capacity almost tripled, allowing it to carry cabinets.  By using the posts in vertical and horizontal positions, many different items besides cabinets can be carried – like mattresses, bales of straw etc. 

The box was later altered to allow the posts to be used as wheelbarrow handles.  Finally, the dolly was again altered, putting the wheelbarrow handles inside the box to allow easier movement through doorways.  When inspiration strikes, sometimes it comes one bit at a time!

Testing is being done now to introduce a powered version of the dolly to make it self-propelled by an electric motor.

Maybe we can solve your material handling challenge; send us an email letting us know what your challenge is and let’s chat!